Dermatological Conditions
Simple dermatological conditions refer to common, non-severe skin issues like acne, eczema, hives, and warts. They often have straightforward diagnoses and treatments, frequently managed without specialized medical intervention.
Managing dermatological conditions with a provider involves a medical evaluation, diagnosis, and development of a treatment plan tailored to the specific condition. This may include medications, lifestyle adjustments, or procedural interventions.
Expect a dermatological evaluation by a healthcare provider to assess the condition. Diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan, which may include medications, topical treatments, lifestyle recommendations, or procedural interventions. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the management plan. Your provider will also discuss expectations, potential side effects, and address any concerns you have about the condition and its management.
At Bad Skin, these visits start at $175.00. We do not take insurance, but may provide a copy of your payment statement to be submitted.